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ZKL 3000 RC Reduces Risk Using Remote Control Technology

ZKL 3000 RC Reduces Risk Using Remote Control Technology

The Network Rail Safety Task Force has recently challenged the industry to “Use Technology to Reduce Risk”. The Safety Task Force mandate provides clients with an opportunity to place their company at the forefront of this movement with the deployment of the ZKL 3000 RC for Additional Protection.

Reduce Risk When Taking Line Blockages

This innovative product will deliver cost-based savings by reducing the level of the workforce required, as one operative can simultaneously deploy the Additional Protection while taking the line blockage. Furthermore, the ZKL 3000 RC can be installed and recovered quickly, which increases the amount of working-time available when operating under a line blockage.

This more efficient method of working helps to increase workforce safety by reducing the amount of track access arrangements, which traditional methods would typically require. Moreover, the COSS/PC will benefit from making only one phone call to the signaller to take the blockage and another to hand back, with the additional protection placed at the flick of a switch. By improving efficiency, and thereby reducing the number of vehicle journeys required, provides environmental benefits through a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Safety Guaranteed

The ZKL 3000 RC is a preinstalled remotely operated Track Circuit Operating Device (TCOD). It is SIL-4 rated, and Network Rail approved. Rail workers can perform their work efficiently and safely. The ZKL is simple to install as well as being cost-effective.

The ZKL 3000 RC is a TCOD system which can remain in track and switched remotely instantly, removing the need to enter the 4-foot to place or remove protection once installed. Highly-skilled safety specialists control the ZKL 3000 RC via a smartphone, tablet or remote control.

How the ZKL 3000 RC Works

When switched, the device simulates a train in the section. This action causes the track circuit to show as ‘occupied,’ switching the protecting signals at danger. The section is immediately blocked. Rail workers are able to perform operations under a line blockage more quickly and safely.

Safe Remote Switching

The ZKL 3000 RC uses the latest mobile-technology that enables the person responsible for workforce site safety to switch the ZKL 3000 RC systems remotely via the MTinfo 3000 App. This gives them the ability to take or give up a line block immediately.

The Benefits

Safety: The technology means that track workers no longer have to spend time in the four-foot to install safety measures.

Efficiency: Delivers a higher level of efficiency, eliminating multiple calls between the signaller, the person putting the additional protection in place and the workforce out on the track.

Capacity: By delivering increased levels of efficiency during the line blockage process, the client will benefit from greater capacity delivered through extended periods of safe access resulting in an uplift in workforce productivity.

Technology: The Lithium-Ion battery used in the ZKL 3000 RC means that it can be installed and left for up to two months before the battery requires charging. The system also benefits from an additional solar panel attachment to extend the battery indefinitely. Notifications of battery health are sent in real-time to the ZKL 3000 RC Operator’s smart device allowing the system to be monitored remotely.

“The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) can’t understand why it’s not business as usual everywhere, especially when you look at the savings and safety benefits. It can help gain, on average, 60 minutes a night, which means seven hours a week on a seven-day project. This can reduce the number of shifts required to carry out the work and the people-hours.”

Working Safely

  • A safe, more efficient work process increases safety on the railways
  • The unit can be positioned at an earlier stage and not in busy times during complex decommissioning. The chances of errors are minimised, making the system safer.
  • Taking or giving up the line blockage can be done remotely and safely with an App or remote control.
  • Developed in accordance with EN50126, EN50128 and EN50129 at SIL 4
  • Certificate of Acceptance from Network Rail PA05/05043

The ZKL 3000 RC Solution

The RSSI ZKL 3000 RC Planner will work alongside the client’s Safe Work Planner to ensure the correct track circuit will be occupied when the line blockage is taken. Once all the arrangements are agreed, a ZKL Track Circuit Design will be created and issued for sign-off before being released to the RSSI ZKL 3000 RC Operator.

The RSSI Operator will install the ZKL 3000 RC at the pre-determined location, as per the agreed design, and use the MTinfo 3000 to test the device. The Operator will act as the Protection Controller and take the pre-planned line blockages along with the additional TCOD protection as and when required by the client. This turnkey solution will see RSSI manage the line blockage process from start to finish.


The ZKL 3000 RC delivers a safer, cost-effective solution and reduces the need for personnel to access the rail infrastructure. Unlike traditional methods, the switching process can happen instantly, once the signaller has given approval. The process of taking a line blockage using the ZKL 3000 RC is more robust and as a result, means that it can be granted quicker. This ability helps to increase the amount of time allotted to complete the programme of works, which is invaluable in areas where line blockages are at a premium.

Using the ZKL 3000 RC system will enable clients to benefit from a complete solution that demonstrates a commitment to Network Rail’s mandate of ensuring that ‘Everyone Returns Home Safe, Every Day‘.

Speak to our Experts

Are you interested in learning more about the ZKL 3000 RC and how it can help you on your next project? Contact our Track Safety expert, Jason Fidoe today on 0330 113 0004 or use our contact form.

About Us

RSS Infrastructure (RSSI), based in Birmingham, Cwmbran, Doncaster and Tonbridge, provides infrastructure services for the rail, civil, and utilities sectors. We serve clients like Network Rail, WMCA, HS2 and Tier 1 & 2 contractors. Our services include Arboriculture, Civils and Construction, Geofencing, Industrial Rope Access (IRATA), Magnetic Track Safety, Rail Operations including Possession Management and P/Way, Rail Welding, Signalling, and Track Warning Services.

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