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RSS Infrastructure Presented ‘Safety and Security Excellence’ Award

RSS Infrastructure Presented ‘Safety and Security Excellence’ Award


RSS Infrastructure (RSSI), a leading supplier of infrastructure services attended the Rail Business Awards 2019, at the Hilton Hotel London, on the 21st of February. They are delighted to announce that they were presented with the ‘Safety and Security Excellence’ Award for their safety products and systems which are continually improving safety within the sector.

Organised by the Railway Gazette, the Rail Business Awards celebrated excellence across the UK rail sector, and played host to over 670 representatives, with 20 awards being presented throughout the evening.

The night began with Pete Waterman speaking about the amazing work that the Rail Benefit Fund has done in supporting both active and retired railway staff and their families. Last year alone, the charity helped around 500 families who had experienced financial difficultly across the UK due to; illness, injury, bereavement or adversity.

Throughout the evening various awards were presented to those who had made a significant impact within the sector. Jeremy Vine, a BBC broadcaster, presented RSSI with their award for their innovative work and consistent awareness for improving safety.

RSSI’s were commended for their focus on leading technological innovations, delivering increased levels of safety and productivity. These fundamental principles have led the way for a series of initiatives; including the Semi-Automatic Track Warning System – increasing safety by removing the risk of human error from the announcement of trains, and their rostering and fatigue monitoring system where the in-house CRM is used to calculate the travel time to and from the site, shift duration and work type. Their award application also included their Safe Driver Control Methods, with RSSI being the first company in the rail sector to utilise a specialist Driver Awareness Warning System (DAWS) for the transportation of its workforce to site.

The company is well-known within the industry for utilising technology which can enhance safety, productivity and efficiency, RSSI are now one of the first rail companies in the UK to develop a mobile application that allows both drivers and workers to submit Close Calls and raise any safety concerns. These submissions are then actively managed by the company’s compliance team. The application allows workers to submit vehicle inspection reports directly to the Fleet department, ensuring vehicles are kept in a roadworthy and safe state.
Furthermore, the application allows for the submission of site inspections and end of shift reports, which provides the company with an extensive insight into their workforce, meaning that the company can actively engage with their contractors and clients to ensure projects are completed on time.

Richard Toy, CEO of RSS Infrastructure said: “This is a huge achievement for all of us at RSSI, and we are proud to have been recognised for our commitment to delivering ground-breaking solutions that increase safety within infrastructure sector.”


About Us

RSS Infrastructure (RSSI), based in Birmingham, Cwmbran, Doncaster and Tonbridge, provides infrastructure services for the rail, civil, and utilities sectors. We serve clients like Network Rail, WMCA, HS2 and Tier 1 & 2 contractors. Our services include Arboriculture, Civils and Construction, Geofencing, Industrial Rope Access (IRATA), Magnetic Track Safety, Rail Operations including Possession Management and P/Way, Rail Welding, Signalling, and Track Warning Services.

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