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SATWS for Network Rail Newcastle DU

Network Rail Newcastle DU’s maintenance team needed to regularly inspect their section track and junctions for wear/tear and damage to ensure safe passage of trains all year round.



Project Value


Project Duration

Rolling 16 weeks plan



Project Value


Project Duration

Rolling 16 weeks plan

“The SATWS we delivered allowed the team to carry out their works during daylight and while trains were running. They were guaranteed to work as and when they needed without the risk of line blockages being cancelled or offered for very short durations.”

Andrew Davidson, TWS Planning

Services Delivered

Network Rail Newcastle DU’s maintenance team needed to regularly inspect their section track and junctions for wear/tear and damage to ensure safe passage of trains all year round. Due to the high passage of trains on ECM5, there were limited opportunities to take line blockages. Daytime patrols were needed, but an ORR improvement order removed the unassisted lookout option. The work was either falling behind or being pushed to nights, which wasn’t ideal for detailed examinations. RSSI were tasked with providing a treadle-based Track Warning solution that allowed Network Rail to continue their works during the hours of daylight. Initially, this was going to be an ATWS system, but the amount of resource and time required to install and recover proved to be disproportionate for the works. The TWS department then decided on a ZOLLNER GB2 Semi Automatic Track Warning System SATWS.

Key Actions

  • RSSI were tasked with providing a Track Warning solution for Network Rail Newcastle DU
  • TWS decided on a ZOLLNER GB2 Semi Automatic Track Warning System
  • Limited installation preparation reduced the staff required
  • Planning created 18 unique SATWS designs covering both lines at three sites over three miles on ECM5
  • Worked with the Tyneside signal box to create a Straight-Line Running
    Procedure (SLRP) to negate the need to cover wrong direction moves
  • The 16-week rolling plan was agreed upon with three sites installed/
    recovered every week

Project Delivery

TWS Planning created 18 unique SATWS designs covering both lines on ECM5. Due to signalling in the area, trains could travel in either direction on both lines, making the SATWS more challenging to design and operate. The TWS Planning department took the decision to work with the Tyneside signal box to create a Straight-Line Running Procedure (SLRP) negating the need to cover wrong direction moves.

TWS Planning had to work with Tyneside signalling to simplify the running of trains on ECM5; otherwise, the SATWS would have been too difficult to use efficiently. RSSI came up with an SLRP, and the 16-week rolling plan was agreed upon, with three sites installed and recovered every week. The SATWS allowed the teams to carry out their works during daylight
and while trains were running. The system guaranteed to work as and when
needed without the risk of line blockages being cancelled or offered for very short durations. The project has been running since 2019.

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RSS Infrastructure (RSSI), based in Birmingham, Cwmbran, Doncaster and Tonbridge, provides infrastructure services for the rail, civil, and utilities sectors. We serve clients like Network Rail, WMCA, HS2 and Tier 1 & 2 contractors. Our services include Arboriculture, Civils and Construction, Geofencing, Industrial Rope Access (IRATA), Magnetic Track Safety, Rail Operations including Possession Management and P/Way, Rail Welding, Signalling, and Track Warning Services.

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