RSS Infrastructure offers various services via Managed Environments: Arboriculture, Ecology Services, Industrial Rope Access and Vegetation Management, as well as Technical Services: Civils and Construction, Rail Operations, Signalling & Telecoms, Track Warning Services and Rail Welding Services. You can stay updated on our ongoing and completed projects across all service areas.

Soil Netting Installation Project
This project showcased our team’s ability to adapt to dynamic conditions and deliver exceptional results, meeting all milestones on schedule while exceeding client expectations.

Royal Albert Bridge Examination
RSS Infrastructure’s Track Warning Services (TWS) division partnered with XEIAD to provide a Temporary Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS) to examine the eastern span of the Royal Albert Bridge.

Drone Pad Installation
This project was vital in providing Network Rail with a dedicated drone unit facility that significantly improves the efficiency of their incident management processes.

Transport for Wales (TFW) Vegetation Management Project
The TFW Vegetation Management project represented an innovative and collaborative approach to addressing ecological and safety concerns.

Canal & River Trust Nesting Bird Surveys of Brent Canal
The Ecology Division of RSSI led a critical project titled “Nesting Bird Surveys of Brent Canal” for the Canal & River Trust, aimed at conducting detailed surveys of nesting birds at Brent Reservoir, London.

Multiple Access Points
Our team created access points on both sides of the bridge. We installed track crossing points at the bridge entrance to allow heavy plant to cross the track when required.

River Avon Bridge Inspection
RSSI undertook a critical River Avon Bridge Inspection project valued at £18,580.83 over three days to support our client, Morgan Sindall.

Wharf Road Development
Avaro Midlands Limited contracted the Ecology Services Division of RSSI for an ecological survey of the Wharf Road Development at Kings Norton, Birmingham.

Ocker Hill Vegetation Clearance
RSSI’s Arboriculture and Rope Access (IRATA) Division successfully led a GTDS project at the Ocker Hill Substation. The task involved an ecological survey and vegetation clearance on