RSS Infrastructure offers various services via Managed Environments: Arboriculture, Ecology Services, Industrial Rope Access and Vegetation Management, as well as Technical Services: Civils and Construction, Rail Operations, Signalling & Telecoms, Track Warning Services and Rail Welding Services. You can stay updated on our ongoing and completed projects across all service areas.
DIRFT Freight Rail Depot
RSSI Civils & Construction division successfully completed the DIRFT Freight Rail Depot project for their client, Fenix. Contracted for a sum of £122,000,
Access Points for Bridge Repairs
RSS Infrastructure enhanced access for bridge repairs in Cambridgeshire by installing six RRAPs over three weekends, supporting safe, efficient site operations for client Taziker.
Werrington Grade Separation
Werrington Grade Separation was a railway construction project which involved the excavation and transportation of over 50,000m3 of soil and clay to construct a new dive-under underneath the East Coast Main Line.
SATWS for Network Rail Newcastle DU
Network Rail Newcastle DU’s maintenance team needed to regularly inspect their section track and junctions for wear/tear and damage to ensure safe passage of trains all year round.
Magnetic Fencing Project Goring Station
Colas Rail were carrying out a renewals project with ALO working at Goring Station, which involved blocking two lines while keeping the other two open at line speed.
Geofencing for Worksite Management in Rail Operations
RSSI is carrying out a re-sleeper project at Bromsgrove station and using geofencing technology in a pilot to offer additional protection to the workforce.
ATWS for XEIAD at Royal Albert Bridge
RSS Infrastructure provided a treadle-based Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS), enabling safe daylight examinations for XEIAD on the Royal Albert Bridge. Coordination with the Plymouth signal box ensured operational efficiency.
Third-Party Bridge Inspection
An engineer must check out a third-party bridge that crosses the Canal and the railway every five years.
Network Rail Depot Maintenance, Sheffield
RSS Infrastructure has been supporting Network Rail by providing signalling teams to assist in the regular depot maintenance and minor renewals carried out by the Network Rail depot at Sheffield.