RSS Infrastructure offers various services via Managed Environments: Arboriculture, Ecology Services, Industrial Rope Access and Vegetation Management, as well as Technical Services: Civils and Construction, Rail Operations, Signalling & Telecoms, Track Warning Services and Rail Welding Services. You can stay updated on our ongoing and completed projects across all service areas.

DIRFT3 Rail Freight Depot
This case study investigates a collaborative project between Fenix Rail Systems and the Signalling and Civils Divisions at DIRFT 3.

Banbury Train Depot
RSS Infrastructure completed installation, testing, and commissioning of a control system for Chiltern Rail’s Banbury depot extension, ensuring project success through collaboration with multiple partners and comprehensive solutions.

Re-Padding Track
Network Rail required the re-padding of 250 yards of track on both legs for their PAD Lichfield project but had delays due to other work commitments.

Oxley Sleeper Change Project
The Oxley Sleeper Change project was carried out by RSSI Rail Projects for our client Network Rail, which involved replacing the damaged and rotten sleepers in the ground to avoid any potential speed restriction on the line.

Warrington Power Station Project
This Rail Projects project involved examining a private third-party owned structure for the client. The inspection report aimed to determine whether heavier vehicles could be used across the structure,

Vegetation Management Support
Graham Talbot, Head of Vegetation Management, needed extra support on a Vegetation Management framework (De-veg) for a project in various locations in Wales.

DIRFT Rail Freight Depot Project
The Rail Projects division of RSS Infrastructure (RSSI) was appointed to lead this aspect of the DIRFT project, a ten-day assignment valued at £80,000.

Sleeper Change Project
The Bromsgrove Sleeper Change project, led by the Rail Projects division of RSSI, was a significant project undertaken for our client, Network Rail.

Cat 1 Re-Rail Project
Cat 1 Re-Rail is a Rail Operations project that was undertaken by RSSI for Network Rail. The project involved the replacement of 10x 709ft rails and stress for handback