The use of Road Rail Access Points (RRAPs) improves worker safety. They are an essential part of the planning process for civils work in the rail and construction sectors, providing a safe and efficient means for workers to access work sites. They offer a temporary solution to improve track access, reducing travel time and increasing productivity while improving worker safety.
Efficient Track Access for Worker Safety
RRAPs can be made of solid rubber panels, allowing workers to access work sites by road without special routing. These access points are essential for any project requiring workers to cross railway lines or other track infrastructure, providing a safe and secure crossing point that protects workers and the track structure.
Reduces Workforce Fatigue
In addition to their safety benefits, RRAPs also offer several productivity benefits. They save time by allowing workers to gain access to the nearest work site by road without the need for special routing, which can be a time-consuming process. They also reduce the time spent travelling to the site, improving productivity and reducing the risk of fatigue-related accidents.
Protects the Railway Line
RRAPs absorb traffic impact loads, which helps to protect the track structure and prevent damage to the railway line. Additionally, RRAPs provide an unhampered crossing for traffic, whether road or rail-bound equipment, ensuring workers can move safely and efficiently across the site without delay.
RRAP Features for Worker Safety
There are different manufacturers of RRAPs, including Strail and Rosehill, offering a range of features designed to enhance worker safety and productivity. For example, some RRAPs include anti-trespass sections, which prevent unauthorised personnel from accessing the site and improve worker security.
Using Apps for Access Point Location
To ensure that workers can locate the RRAPs easily and quickly, tools like What 3 Words can give a precise access point to the workforce. This tool identifies a 3m square using a 3-word reference, which is much more accurate than a postcode and can save time by quickly getting workers to the access point.
In summary, RRAPs are essential for any project requiring workers to cross railway lines or other track infrastructure. They offer a safe and efficient means for workers to access work sites, reducing travel time and increasing productivity while improving worker safety. With their ability to absorb traffic impact loads and provide an unhampered crossing for traffic, RRAPs are an important investment for any construction or rail project.
As experts in civils work for the rail and construction sectors with many years of experience, RSS Infrastructure recommends using RRAPs to ensure workers’ safety and productivity on any track access project. By investing in the right equipment and using apps such as What 3 Words, clients can ensure their workers can work efficiently and safely, reducing the risk of accidents and delays.
Need RRAP Experts on Your Next Project?
Dave Bamford and his Civils and Construction team at RSS Infrastructure have a wealth of knowledge in RRAPs and track access solutions, which can significantly improve worker safety and productivity. Get in touch to learn more about what they can do to help and ensure your project is as safe as possible.